Message from the Chariman
First and foremost…WOW!! What a campaign!
What an absolute pleasure to work with such a fantastic team. Whether you worked a poll, or manned the headquarters, knocked on a door, made a phone call, spoke to someone about the importance of voting, wrote a letter, worked a booth at a fair or marched in a parade, THANK YOU. Because of your hard work we brought in every single one of our candidates and 4 of 6 amendments. Richard Hudson and Ted Budd are returning to Washington because of your hard work. Our state legislators, Carl, Harry, Larry and Julia are returning to Raleigh. Greg, Judy and Jim are going to continue the fine work they have been doing for Rowan County on our County Commissioners Board. Kevin, Brandy and John had no one that even wanted to run against them and still turned in fantastic numbers. Our local Judges are staying in place as once again they had no opposition. The state numbers turned against us in the state Judge races but you brought it home to Rowan County and we supported the endorsed judges by overcoming some terrific odds and trickery.
Thank you for ALL you did to bring us to this point!! Now, on to 2020. We can’t let down. The Rowan County Republican Party still needs your support and needs your time and effort as the campaign for 2020 begins NOW.
Donald W. Vick
Chairman Rowan County Republican Party
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