February 2022 Updates from the Rowan County Republican Party
A bipartisan Superior Court panel unanimously upheld new district lines drawn by our NC legislature. Now it goes to the NC Supreme Court. Will the new district lines drawn legally by our NC Legislature (Republican majority) be upheld by the NC Supreme Court (Democrat majority)?
February is Full Of Opportunities for Republicans!
Dear Rowan Republicans,
What’s happening with the upcoming Primary? A bipartisan Superior Court panel unanimously upheld new district lines drawn by our NC legislature. Now it goes to the NC Supreme Court. Will the new district lines drawn legally by our NC Legislature (Republican majority) be upheld by the NC Supreme Court (Democrat majority)? Or will they impose new lines? The NC Supreme Court is hearing the case on February 2. That’s a very tight timeline for the legislature to be able to draw new lines, if the court should so direct.
Will the 2022 Primary be on May 17 with One Stop/Early Voting being from April 28 through May 14? Stay tuned to see if Governor Cooper vetoes House Bill 605 which would delay the primary to June 7, giving more time to prepare for the Primary, especially if the court decides the lines must change. It’s all about the deadline for finalizing district lines so that the Primary can be held, and who gets to have the final say on the lines.
Republican Candidate Forums. We will host public Republican Candidate Forums before the Primary. This will include all candidates running locally, not at the state level. The dates and locations will be published when candidate filing dates and the date of the Primary are firm. The forum for NC District 83 candidates will be jointly hosted with the Cabarrus Republican Party. Do your research. Elect our strongest candidates for the general election!
Rowan Republican Convention. Mark your calendar. All Rowan Republicans are invited to attend our county party convention on Saturday March 5. Registration will be from 8:00AM until 8:30AM. To be a voting member of the convention, you MUST register before registration closes as 8:30AM. Allow time for parking. Precinct Meetings will be held at 9:00AM, with the convention beginning at approximately 9:30AM. Be a part of conducting the business of the party and meet local and state-wide candidates. Want to get involved? Great time to get started.
Please see below for opportunities to participate with the Rowan County Republican Party:
Rowan County Monthly Meeting/Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 10 at 7pm at the Rowan County Administration Building, 130 W Innes St,
Contact Chair Elaine Hewitt for more information - 980-643-1009
Rowan County Republican Women
Thursday, February 17 at 6pm at Blue Bay, 1007 E Innes St
Contact President Erica Vedeikis for more information - 704-267-1329
Rowan County Breakfast Club
Saturday, February 5 at 8:30 am at String Beans BBQ, 1013 S Main St, Landis
Contact Leader Ken Andrews for more information - 704-640-8129
Rowan County Young Republicans (18-40)
Contact President Devin Stubbs for more information - 704-953-0134
Rowan County Teenage Republicans (TARS)
Saturday, February 5, 11am-1pm at Chapel St Baptist Church, Landis
Contact Susan Agner for more information - 704-647-0168
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