April Events, District Conventions, and 2019 NC GOP Convention
District and State GOP Conventions
Thanks to all who attended the Rowan Republican Convention and Precinct Meetings March 2nd. If you attended our Rowan convention, you are eligible and encouraged to attend your district and/or state convention. At both levels, we will elect 2019-2020 leaders. If you're not sure which district you live in, look up your voter data: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/.
District 13 (Rep Ted Budd) Convention. Saturday, April 13, Davie County Courthouse at the square in Mocksville. Registration: 9:45-10:45 AM (Must be present by 10:45 AM to be a voting delegate.). The convention will begin at 11:00 AM. NC Supreme Court Justice Paul Newby will be speaking.
District 8 (Rep Richard Hudson) Convention. Saturday, April 13. East Montgomery High School Auditorium, 157 Eagle Lane, Biscoe. Registration 1:00-2:00 PM (Must be present by 2:00 PM to be a voting delegate). The convention will begin after registration closes.
NC GOP Convention: June 6, 12:00 Noon - June 9. Embassy Suites Concord, 5400 John Q Hammons Dr., NW, Concord. To register, gp to: https://www.nc.gop/2019_state_convention.
District 13 (Rep Ted Budd) Convention. Saturday, April 13, Davie County Courthouse at the square in Mocksville. Registration: 9:45-10:45 AM (Must be present by 10:45 AM to be a voting delegate.). The convention will begin at 11:00 AM. NC Supreme Court Justice Paul Newby will be speaking.
District 8 (Rep Richard Hudson) Convention. Saturday, April 13. East Montgomery High School Auditorium, 157 Eagle Lane, Biscoe. Registration 1:00-2:00 PM (Must be present by 2:00 PM to be a voting delegate). The convention will begin after registration closes.
NC GOP Convention: June 6, 12:00 Noon - June 9. Embassy Suites Concord, 5400 John Q Hammons Dr., NW, Concord. To register, gp to: https://www.nc.gop/2019_state_convention.
Other Upcoming April Events
6 Rowan Republican Breakfast Club, Hendrix BBQ, Spencer, 615 N. Salisbury Ave, Spencer. 8:30 AM Breakfast, 9:00 AM program/discussion. Men and women, Republicans and conservative Unaffiliated voters, all ages welcome. More info: 704-202-0884. (1st Saturday)
11 Rowan Republican Executive Committee, 7:00 PM, County Administration Building, 130 W. Innes St. Salisbury. Any registered Rowan Republican may attend as a guest. More Info: 704-232-4047. (2nd Thursday)
13 Rowan Young Republicans Club, 5:00PM, Hendrix BBQ, Spencer, 615 N. Salisbury Ave, Spencer.. Men and women, Republicans and conservative Unaffiliated voters, 18-40 years of age welcome. More info: 704-223-2957. (2nd Saturday)
25 Rowan Republican Women's Club, 6:00 PM, Salsibury Country Club, 747 Club Dr., Salisbury. Republicans and conservative Unaffiliated female voters, all ages, welcome. More info: 704-637-3282. (normally 3rd Thursday)
11 Rowan Republican Executive Committee, 7:00 PM, County Administration Building, 130 W. Innes St. Salisbury. Any registered Rowan Republican may attend as a guest. More Info: 704-232-4047. (2nd Thursday)
13 Rowan Young Republicans Club, 5:00PM, Hendrix BBQ, Spencer, 615 N. Salisbury Ave, Spencer.. Men and women, Republicans and conservative Unaffiliated voters, 18-40 years of age welcome. More info: 704-223-2957. (2nd Saturday)
25 Rowan Republican Women's Club, 6:00 PM, Salsibury Country Club, 747 Club Dr., Salisbury. Republicans and conservative Unaffiliated female voters, all ages, welcome. More info: 704-637-3282. (normally 3rd Thursday)
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